New 2023.1.0b14 Entries since 2023.1.0b13 ImprovementsĮditor: Improved memory allocator contention when merging static meshes making this process a little faster.Įditor: Reduced impact of Shader Graph package on performance of domain reloads by making node class cache populate on-demand.Įditor: Added: Added Undo.isProcessing property to determine when it's safe to call Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo, among other things.Įditor: Added: Added EditorApplication.isFocused property indicating the cached state of the Editors focus.Įditor: Added: Exposes EditorApplication.focusChanged event which fires when the Editor gains and loses focus. XR SRP: Performance degradation when comparing Android Quest 2 builds across 2020.x Visual Effects - Legacy: Visualisation corruption occurs when rendering Particles to Render Texture Universal RP: URP TAA implementation leaks accumulation buffers when entering the Play Mode Universal RP: Shader Graph Editor Main Preview window is blank UI Toolkit Controls: Inspector override marker UI is not updated after "Apply All" UGUI Framework: Memory leaks stop textures from getting unloaded from memory when the textures gets reparented from one scene to another Texture: Crash on Sprite::Transfer when building the project RP Foundation: "Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)).Length" increases every time when entering/exiting Play Mode

Project Browser: Project Browser shows package resources when package visibility is disabled Oculus: OculusXR has worse performance than OpenXR when built

Metal: Rendering freezes when the orientation is changed IL2CPP: Build argument doesn't get passed when exporting the project

Android: Fix mouse scrolling issues by disabling historical values from input events.ĭirectX12: Editor freezes when saving prefab changes in Play Mode if “VSync” is enabledĭX12: Fixed a case where creating and destroying Renderers that use Dynamic Geometry as Ray Tracing Mode very often in ray tracing effects would cause the GPU memory to fill up quickly.Įditor: Fixes an problem in the Terrain Inspector that was causing an error to display that could hide the Quality Settings section.įrameDebugger: Frame Debugger VRAM memory leak